
Fundraising updates

We have had a great Autumn of fundraising, with over £480 raised at the Harvest Supper, £100 from the Quiz Night in November and the total from the Christmas Coffee Morning and Children’s Workshop yet to be announced.

Thank you to all who came and supported these events.

Harvest Events

Harvest is soon approaching in the Church calendar. The Flowton Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be on Sunday 20th September at 4pm, followed by the Harvest Tea at 4.45pm.

The day before (Saturday 19th September) is the Harvest workshop for children and their parents from 10am – 12noon in Church.

The village’s Harvest Supper is on Friday 23rd October in the Church (7.30pm). Tickets will be on sale in advance at £6 (£7 on the door) from Diana Fawcus, Margaret Laflin, Susan Skinner and Mary Carter. As usual, if you can bring any hot or cold food for the buffet, let Diana or Margaret know in advance so we aren’t inundated with the same items!

Suffolk Historic Churches Cycle Ride

Saturday 12th September is the date for the annual Suffolk Historic Churches Cycle (or walk). If you would like to cycle for Flowton Church (50% of the sponsorship raised goes to the Church), there is more information in Church.

We are also in need of people to man the Church to greet visiting cyclists on the day.

Suffolk Historic Churches provides grants for maintaining Church buildings and we may be needing their help with the Tower repairs in the near future so any support would be well received.

Rev. Canon Bernard Rose – Retirement Service

Our Priest-in-Charge, Bernard, retired at the end of August. There was a farewell service on Sunday 30th August, at 10am at Great Bricett Church and obviously all were welcome. The Benefice Choir sang two of Bernard’s favourite pieces of music which reduced some of the congregation to tears….

Open Gardens & Flower Festival latest

Latest information in preparation for the Open Gardens/Flower Festival next weekend:

1. Any jam jars to Sarah Judge at The Cottage by Friday please

2. Anyone who can help with cleaning up tables/chairs, putting up marquees etc – we are meeting at the Church at 10am on Friday 12th June.

3. Flower Festival – any questions to Fiona Beaumont please. Any children that are able to help with the children’s window (theme of Wizard of Oz) to meet in the Church at 3.30pm on Thursday 11th. Any unwanted flowers welcome for the jam jar decorations for the marquee!

4. Loan of tablecloths or bunting for the marquees would be most welcome.


Any questions, contact Sarah Judge or email @

New PCSO for Flowton

The new Suffolk Neighbourhood Team PCSO dealing with Flowton is PCSO 3090 Matt Brown. He is to be based at Needham Market and his email is @

Our previous SNT officer, Collette, has moved to Essex.