The farewell service for Christine and Colin will be at the Holy Communion Service at 10.00am on Sunday 14 August at Barking Church. All welcome as we wish them well for the future as they move to their new home in Wales.
Somersham Women’s Institute *New*
Our neighbours in Somersham are starting a local Women’s Institute. A preliminary meeting was well supported with lots of interest, so a formation meeting is being held on Monday 18th July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. If you are interested in joining do come along with your chequebook to pay the reduced subscription fee. Huge age range came to the initial meeting with great enthusiasm shown by all to get this up and running. All are welcome, you don’t have to live in Somersham.
Flowton Songs of Praise – Sunday 17 July, 4pm
Don’t forget that the Flowton Songs of Praise is being held in Flowton Church on Sunday 17 July at 4pm, followed by tea and refreshments.
Lots of great hymns have been chosen, and the Benefice Choir will be joining us.
Flowton Fete – Sun 12 June
The poster advertising the Flowton Fete is now up around the village. If you wish to print and display one, you can download it as a PDF file from this link: Flowton Fete 2016
**UPDATE** The Fete this year raised over £470 for Church funds which is great considering the weather. Thanks to all who came and supported it.
Change of Fete date
Please note that the date of the Flowton Fete has changed to Sunday 12 June, 2-4pm so as to not clash with our neighbours in Offton.
The Giving Machine update
We are still using The Giving Machine (www.thegivingmachine) to raise donations for the Church whilst doing online shopping. More information on our website here, but so far we have raised almost £350 so thank you to all who click through to their online shopping via the Giving Machine site.
Dates for your diary
Good Friday has a Children’s Easter Workshop in Church for local children between 10am and 11.30am. Lots of craft activities available, and probably some coffee for the grown-ups.
Sunday 12 June is the date of the Flowton Fete. Cake stall booked already, traditional games and stalls. 2-4pm in the Churchyard.
Sunday 17 July at 4pm is the Songs of Praise service in St. Mary’s Church. More details to follow, but the Benefice Choir will be in attendance to bolster the singing.
Diocesan Advisory Committee visit
In early February, the DAC visited St Mary’s to review the work that has been taking place over the last year with the removal of pews at the rear of the church, new floor and cupboards. They were very impressed with the floor in particular and are keen that we are a reference for other churches who are needing to complete similar building work.
The removal of these rotten pews has allowed a large community area to be created at the rear of the church. This has been utilised for the Harvest Supper, numerous children’s workshops, quiz nights and for the Local History Display at the Open Gardens last summer. The font is now a focal point at the centre of the rear of the church.
Carols by Candlelight, Christmas Eve
Our hugely popular Carols by Candlelight service is on Christmas Eve at 6.30pm. It takes the traditional format of Nine Lessons and Carols and is a beautiful way to start your Christmas festivities. Although we squeeze as much seating into the Church as possible, please do arrive early to get a seat as it is very popular. Car parking is available in the Churchyard unless the weather prevents it. We will be supported in our singing by the Benefice Choir.