
Donation of spare chairs – thank you!

We have been given over 30 chairs for use at our busy Church events such as the Candlelit Carol Service to replace the old plastic chairs that provide additional seating in the nave and chancel. This is a very kind donation from Comberton Village Hall, near Cambridge, and we thank them for donating them to us. This will provide a much more comfortable arrangement for the considerably larger congregations as they are cushioned, as well as being easy to store.

Open event – Building works at St. Mary’s Church

The Diocesan Chancellor has granted the faculty for the removal of the pews at the west end of the nave in order to create a community space; to refloor the area in keeping with the rest of the Church; make good the surrounding plasterwork; to repair the flooring in the choir pews. The pew ends from the eight pews at the west end of the nave will be re-sited on the east pews in keeping with more traditional layouts. Cupboards will be crafted and installed (subject to approval of drawings by the DAC) either side of the tower entrance and on the back of the north-east pews to allow for storage of hymn books and other worship material.

You are invited to view the plans prior to building work commencing in the coming weeks. The PCC will be available with the plans and information on Saturday 31st January, between 10.30-12noon in Church. Refreshments will be available. Do drop in and have a look.

A huge thank you!!!

Since Flowton Church registered to be a beneficiary at, the amazing supporters of the village have raised over £130 by shopping via their website. A huge THANK YOU to all who have supported this fundraising. £130 in just nine months is amazing. 🙂

Important information regarding re-ordering of west pews in Church

The Diocesan Chancellor has considered all the objections received regarding the removal of the pews at the west end of the Church near the font, and has granted a faculty to allow this. The building work is subject to two provisos regarding the pew ends and the planned cupboards. More information can be found under the ‘St. Mary’s Church’ tab, and then clicking on the Flowton Church PCC tab. Alternatively you can click here. Bob Skinner (Lay Chair, PCC) has forwarded a document that lays out the provisos and it can be viewed on that page.

Offton Challenge Plate 2015 – team needed!!!!

Saturday 24th January 2015 sees another Offton Challenge Plate competition at the Offton and Willisham Village Hall, commencing at 12.30pm. Food and drink is available, games should be completed by about 4pm.

The Games are open to the eight parishes. Somersham won in 2014, Flowton came second. Flowton needs a team (between 2 and 8 players) of all ages, not necessarily from the Church and plenty of noisy supporters! No special skills or level of fitness is necessary. Entry fee is £3 per person aged 8 or over.

Proposed games are all Fete style and will be chosen from: sock bags into ladder, indoor golf putting, tower building from wooden blocks, hoopla, pigeon bowling, simple darts, steady hand on buzzer wire, milk the cow and directing a pair of ‘Suffolk Horses’ (chosen from your team) to pull a mock plough in a straight line using only Suffolk horse language.

We can probably take more than one team if we have enough numbers. See Diana Fawcus if you are interested in making up a team. Based on last year’s photos, it seems like it was a lot of fun!

Waste and Recycling news – now you can recycle even more!

Have you heard you can now recycle even more in your recycling bin? Cartons, books, aerosols, metal pots, pans and trays can now be recycled from home alongside the usual items – paper, card, cans, foil, plastic bottles, tubs and food trays. You can even recycle textiles too in special bags available from council offices or libraries or by contacting @!

Find out more by visiting our new campaign website Read Bernie the binman’s blog and visit the ‘What can I recycle?’ page.

Carols by Candlelight, Christmas services

Our Christmas Carol Service by Candlelight will be held as usual on Christmas Eve at 6.30pm. Bring along family and friends for a truly traditional way to start your Christmas.

We will celebrate on Christmas Day at our 8.30am service so come along and celebrate the real reason for Christmas before the chaos ensues!!!