Wild orchids

Wild orchids in woods nr Little Park Farm, 2014
Wild orchids in woods nr Little Park Farm, 2014

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There are some amazing wild orchids in the woods near Little Park Farm. They are only in bloom for a short period, and the weather over the winter has suited them this year.

If you head down in the early part of the morning in the sunshine they are particularly photogenic.

Photographs: © Sarah Judge (2014)

Easter Workshop – thanks!

A hugely successful Easter Workshop was held on Good Friday with lots of children attending with parents and grandparents. We had bird-box making, an Easter Trail, Easter basket making, Zentangle doodling, decorating the Easter garden and cookie decorating so thanks to all to helped out. It was a fantastic (and messy!) morning.

There are a few photos on our Facebook page…. www.facebook.com/Flowton.Suffolk

The Giving Machine

Fundraising for St. Mary’s Church has never been so easy. You can register with The Giving Machine website and if you access your usual online retailers via their website, they will make a donation to St Mary’s Church. It is that simple. For more information, please see the Fundraising page.



A huge thanks to Margaret and Diana for their amazing chocolate brownies and gorgeous flower posies for Mums at our Mothering Sunday service. Thanks to all who were involved for a lovely service.

100 years, 100 treasures

100 years book
This is the book produced to commemorate the centenary of the founding of the Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich. Each parish in Suffolk was asked what they most treasured in their own church and this is the result! There is a copy to view in each church and is a great colour guide to investigating unusual features in village churches around Suffolk. Battisford is our Benefice’s representative. It is a bargain at £5 (£2 of which goes to your own church) and copies can be bought from Margaret Laflin or ordered through your church.

Planning meeting: Open Gardens 2015

Tuesday 10th June at 7.30pm is our first planning meeting for Open Gardens 2015. If you wish to be involved please do come along. We will be deciding hours of opening, pricing, charitable support as well as early planning for the gardens and catering. It will be held in the Church Vestry. Any questions, do contact Sarah Judge or email @