The PCC wishes to thanks the grass cutting team for maintaining the Churchyard in such a wonderful condition again this spring and summer. The team are all volunteers and we could not keep it looking so good without their valuable help.
Category: Uncategorized
Summer Fete – £550 raised
We raised £550 at this year’s Summer Fete which is a fantastic sum towards the Church funds. A big thank you to all who helped and supported this event.
Photographs for Open Gardens 2015
It would be really useful to have some photographs of the gardens that are planning on opening next year at the Open Gardens event in June. It is one year to go, so do take some photos of your garden as it is this month and email them to @ so we can see them in their full glory in the adverts and promotional material, rather than March/April gardens!
Open Gardens Meeting
Don’t forget that there is a Planning Meeting for Flowton Open Gardens (June 2015) on Tuesday 10th June at 7.30pm in the Vestry. All welcome to attend.
Suffolk Wildlife Hedgehog sightings
The Suffolk Wildlife Trust wants to know if you spot a hedgehog. Numbers have fallen and the Trust needs help to track them down so it can target action to help. Record sightings in gardens or churchyards if you have seen a live or dead hedgehog in 2013 or 2014; seen a live or dead hedgehog in 2012 or earlier (but have not seen them since 2012); have found no evidence of hedgehogs.
Flowton Summer Fete – Sunday 22nd June
Flowton’s Summer Fete will take place on Sunday 22nd June, between 2-4pm in the Churchyard. Cream teas and traditional games, as well as plant stall, cake stall, recipe book stall and bric-a-brac, and a raffle.
Residents – please see ‘Information for Residents’ for how you can help and who to give donations of cakes/plants/recipe books to. Fingers crossed for good weather after last year’s soaking!
Willisham Walk – Saturday 24th May
Willisham annual guided walk is on Saturday 24th May at 5.30pm. See poster for more details (under For Residents – Events in our Local Area).
£86 raised at Quiz Night
Thanks to Bob and Susan Skinner for being our Grand Quiz Masters at the Quiz Night on Friday 9th May. We raised £86 for Church funds which is great – thank you to all who supported this fabulous evening. The Flowton Fliers team won, so well done to them!
Next quiz is on Saturday 20th September at 7.00pm.
Wanting to stock up on heating oil before the autumn? Flowton Church PCC are setting up as a Community with BoilerJuice to help raise funds. If you order your heating oil through BoilerJuice and set up Flowton Church PCC as your supported Community, it will pay 25p for each 100 litres of heating oil ordered.
Don’t forget, they do discounts for orders within the same postcode area too.
More information coming as soon as possible – so hold off ordering yet. Check back on the Fundraising page soon!!
Parochial Church Council (PCC)
There is a new page with information about the Parochial Church Council (PCC) under the St. Mary’s Church menu, or you can click here.